Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Like London, New Orleans was another city that I have always wanted to visit. A city filled with an interesting history, good food and one large fun party. Niel told me stories of his visit there during college. The delicious meal of jambalaya he enjoyed, the sites and booze. And now I don't know if I can ever have the same opportunity to visit. As everyone knows they're one of the cities affected by hurricane Katrina. I am so sorry for all the people who have suffered with the tragic weather. I hope The Big Easy along with the other cities and its people can rebuild.

Song Stuck In My Head: "The Chain" by Fleetwood Mac

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Not all of my accidents while grocery shopping are terrible. Recently I accidentally purchased a package of Neufchatel Cheese because the packaging was so similar to regular Cream Cheese. Luckily the recipe for the Cheese Cake I was going to bake called for two packages of Cream Cheese and luckily I had also picked up a package of Cream Cheese.

I could not taste the difference between the two cheeses. Neufchatel tastes exactly like Cream Cheese. Apparently Neufchatel Cheese is Cream Cheese's French cousin. It has less fat but the same amount of sugar and carbs. I was surprised it had less the fat but still tasted great. Usually when something is less in fat it has more sugar in it to give it more of an appealing flavor. I will definitely use this alternative to Cream Cheese again.

Song Stuck In My Head: "Ordinary World" by Duran Duran

Monday, August 29, 2005

I was hurrying home after work and got thirsty. I ran into the local drug store near my office and thought I was purchasing Dasani water. I accidently purcashed Dasani Lemon flavored water. Let me warn you. DO NOT buy this drink. It does not taste like lemon water. Lemon water is refreshing. This stuff was awful. I didn't throw it out though because I thought Niel might enjoy it. So I offered it to him. His reaction was "This is Das CRAP!"

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Song Stuck In My Head: "Time to Change" from The Brady Bunch TV show

Friday, August 26, 2005

I wanted to share some pictures of the lovely produce, jams/jellies and other natural goodness that can be found at the Union Square Farmer's Market.

This is a pic of a vegetable curry patty. My friend Elaine purchased it for me at the Farmer's Market. The patties come in a variety of shells and fillings.

I love knowing all different types of people. I think it would be boring just to hang out with the same type of person. Some of my friends are: my food buddy Elaine and I talk about food ALOT, Isabel and I try different restaurants, my friend Stephanie, I trade CD's and magazines with, and gossip about celebrities and last but not least my friend Rifka, whom I go to the movies with. Anyway below are the pictures.

Vegetable Curry Patty

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Leeks, radishes, and leafy greens

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A peek at what Niel is working on with my new website. Here is what my new Wanderings page looks like and what looks like right now. I thought it was pretty cute even for its early stages.

Song Stuck In My Head: "Heat of the Moment" by Asia

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Two interesting shows I saw this weekend that I forgot to mention is I Married and
Gene Simmons Rock School. I Married is about wives of musicians. The first one I saw was about Sebastian Bach and his wife Maria. They are very cute. The Gene Simmons show was better than I thought it would be.

Just Jenn Designs is now REOPEN! Check her store out TODAY!

Lisanne has come up with the great idea of a crockpot recipe exchange. Crockpots are good for everyone because you have a meal ready for you when you get home. Check out her August 23 entry for more details. When I am done with my recipe page I'll post about it. I already found the recipe and now to make a pretty page.

My new bloggy friend Amanda has a neat project too. A booklet of inspiration words. Go to her August 16 entry to learn more. This is what I contributed.

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Song Stuck In My Head: "White Lines" by Grand Master Flash

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Here are my pages for Spring Fling in the Collective Souls journal series. This is the second journal and I want to thank Sweet Pea again for her great idea. She is just so positive! I think I found a nitch that I am happy with and that is working with fabrics. The two of the four pages I worked with in the journal series were with felt. I am going to try to explore other types of fabrics. Page one is a garden theme since the title was Spring Fling, but its on regular paper. And the second page I decided to go with a Winter theme on felt, since it's been so terribly humid this Summer, I wanted something to remind people of something cool. So I have three penguins ice skating at night. I really liked how they came out. Now Spring Fling is off to Creature Bug. I know she'll do great!

Page 1

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Page 2 far shot

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Page 2 close up

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Song Stuck In My Head: " Aquarius/Let the Sunshine In " from the play Hair

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Just wanted to show you what I purchased recently online. Some of my bloggy friends have online shops with fabulous creations.

I got a cute bag and cards from The Paper Princess. Leslie's newly updated shop!

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Just Jenn also has a cool online shop with something nifty for everyone! Her shop should be back up soon, but check out her blog in the meantime.

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And last but not least from Giao's shop I purchased lots of cards. Some of them I am going to use as wall art.

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So please go take a peek at all their stores! Thanks!

Song Stuck In My Head: "Signs" by Tesla

Monday, August 22, 2005

Our weekend started Thursday night really. Even though I worked Friday it was nice going out after work during the work week. And we don't go out very often after work so it was a nice change and not very tiring. So Thursday night Niel and I went to see a free jazz concert in the town next to my parents neighborhood. Afterwards we had a nice dinner at Johnny Rockets.

Buying food last week was a treat although a big hit on the wallet while the fridge in my office was getting replaced. I went to West 46th street every day. Otherwise known as Little Brazil besides great Brazilian restaurants there are a plethora of other options. Such as Japanese, Spanish, Mediterranean, and Indian.

But Wednesday I went to the Sushi from a place a few blocks down from my office since I was on deadline instead of walking up to West 46th. As I was on line waiting to pay for my meal, I began to eavesdrop on a conversation behind me. Yes I know bad to do so. These two men were talking about the location the Sushi place is used to be a coffee shop and unfortunately they closed down. Apparently it was a coffee shop they frequented often. The next thing out of their mouths pissed me off. One of them said "My they have an operation they've got here. Do you think you have to speak Chinese to pay for your food." The owners were actually Japanese. Did he think the 75 other customers in the restaurant spoke Chinese in order to pay for their food! YOU MORON! I bet they thought that all Asians speak the same language. Which to them is Chinese. Ass. So I turned around and said "Actually they speak Japanese and they also speak English you racist" And I left.

Hello do they not know this is America? Home of the Statue of Liberty. You know the extremely tall metal lady that welcomed immigrants such as those racist piece of poop's grandparents and great grandparents. And whatever Caucasian country their ancestors come from did not know English right off the bad. They had to learn just as the employees of the Sushi place. Does he think I can go up to any Caucasian person and speak English and they will understand me? There are plenty of Caucasians in American that speak another language besides English. But I guess he rather have his head stuck up his ass.

And the online version of Trivial Pursuits finally came in. Niel had ordered it after we had so much funny playing it at Dave and Holly's place. I'm addicted to it. I found the questions a lot easier though than the board version.

Friday night we saw The Forty Year Old Virgin. We LOVE Steve Carell from his time on The Daily Show, The Office, Bruce Almighty, and Anchorman. The movie was really funny and sweet although a little long. The theater was packed. I know it would be because it was the opening weekend, plus a Friday night. We were sitting infront of these teens who would not shut up and trust me I told them to shut up plenty. They were repeating ALL the lines and laughing. I don't care about the laughing. But why do you have to repeat all the freaking lines?
Then they started to throw empty bottles at one another. One of the bottle hit us. So I took the bottle and threw it back and then yelled at them. I must be such a masochist for going to the movies on a Friday night.

Saturday we attempted to go to the
Museum of Natural History
to see the new dinosaur exhibit, but the lines were still way too long. So we went to China town which we had planned on going anyway afterwards. We ate some delicious Dim Sum at Dim Sum Go Go and walked around a bit. And then we went to Pearl River. A very cool Asian department store. They have clothes, home and kitchen items, gadgets, etc. Basically everything! We purchased a few things for us and for Christmas. I try to shop early and plan on going back. Afterwards we went kite flying. Haven't done that in a bit and it was fun.

Sunday Niel and I painted my parents Sun/Florida Room. They're on vacation and I thought it would be a nice surprise for them. I thought we did a pretty good job.
Like when Niel and I cleaned up my mother in laws garden a bit and also when Niel painted her kitchen ceiling.

After we came home Niel put together our Robo Maid. It's an electric sweeper. You set it for a specific amount of time and goes round and round the room collecting dust bunnies. This gadget is pretty thorough. Niel really enjoys it. Maybe I'll get a Roomba for Christmas since that sucks up larger particles than the Robo Maid does. A little help doesn't hurt. We also watched Cat Woman on cable and ate a yummy lamb curry I made for dinner. Cat Woman was pretty bad but not the worst movie I have ever seen. I guess that was because we saw it for free. But watching From Ape to Man on the History channel made up for any brain cells lost watching Cat Woman. Hope everyone had a nice weekend!! Here are some pics.

Oooh and I really want to see The Brothers Grimm!

Song Stuck In My Head: "Ring of Fire" by Johnny Cash

Friday, August 19, 2005

I am soooo glad it is Friday. Been missing Friday Five lately. They were fun for me. And now I decided to try them again. You may see some old Friday Five's paired with new ones. Play if you like and happy weekend all!


1] Before making a telephone call, do you ever rehearse what you're
going to say? Why/why not? For work I have to.

2] If you were expelled from your country and had only limited
financial resources, where would you try to rebuild your life? Why? Canada. I really like our northern neighbor. They're nice. And its a gorgeous country.

3] If a crystal ball could tell you the truth about any one thing you
wished ~ concerning yourself, your life, the future, or anything else
~ what would you want to know? No. I'd like to think we make our own choices.

4] A good friend pulls off a well-conceived practical joke that plays
on one of your foibles and makes you look ridiculous. How would you
react? Why? Depends what it would be. I've had a much thicker skin. Could be thicker.

5] If you could wake up tomorrow having gained any one ability or
quality, what would it be? Why? How would you use it? Make all the world leaders stop wars, feed the hungry and just be helpful.


1] Do you enjoy keeping up-to-date on current events? Why/why not?
Where do you typically get your news [TV, the radio, magazines, the
Internet, or elsewhere]? Through the web and the John Stewart show. I'd like to have him, Seth McFarland and Mr. T for dinner together.

2] Have you ever been interviewed for a news story? When the story
aired/was published, were you happy with how it turned out? Was your
photo included with it? No.

3] Imagine that you have the opportunity to become a foreign
correspondent for a week. Where would you want to report from, and
what types of stories would you be interested in doing? England or Canada. Just local stories about how people live.

4] A friend has some major news to share. Are you usually the first
one to find out or always the last to know? Do you do a good job of
keeping big news a "secret" if the person doesn't want anyone to
know? Do you become upset if you're left "out of the loop"? I am good at secrets. I would be somewhere in the middle.

5] Name five topics [or issues, or stories] that you wish the news
media would cover [either nationally or locally]. I think the media focuses tooooooo much on celebrity. And not enough on real stories. But maybe in a way those celebrity stories are escapisim because the stories about war, death, disease and famine are too much.

Song Stuck In My Head: "American Dragon" from Disney's Jake Long.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

I could have used a glass of wine yesterday. Red came to mind. I thought of the gentle warmth of the wine taking over me. I like the texture better than the taste. But alas I don't drink wine or really any alcohol. Even when alcohol is offered I only take a few sips. And it has to be girly drinks. Don't like beer or hard liquor. Oddly enough I did like the rum my mother in law brought back from Puerto Rico. Anyway, the thought of wine appeals more to me than the taste does. I am amazed at wine connoisseurs. Wine seems so chic.

It was a crazy work day and I got out late and all I wanted to do was plop on the couch. I just worked straight through without eating lunch. Now we all know that is a bad thing. I am constantly thinking about food. The only movement would be my fingers on the remote controller. And if Niel could do that for me it would great. All my after work activities flew out the window. Cooking, cleaning up, and crafting. Those took a back seat. Tired Ani took over.

Update: Grrrrrr. Life just got even better. Our rent is going up. I like the apartment. It has hard wood floors, it's large, fairly easy commute, and close to our old neighborhoods. We feel settled. But we also have crazy neighbors downstairs, plus two neighbors on our block doing construction meaning it gets loud at times, plus the occasional yucky brown water, and did I mention the crazy neighbors. They are constantly having a leak and of course its our fault. Cause you know we're having a water party upstairs!!! Don't they know we have a pool and go in for dips! I mean come on. Plus they aren't friendly. I guess because of the leak that we cause with our water parties. They aren't clean and don't know how to throw out the trash. We can complain for a lot of things too. But we do not. One of our AC's does not work, in the summer we get ants and in the winter mice. But do we complain! DO WE?!!!! Nope. So I want to move. I've wanted to move for a while. I now just have to convince Niel. We're settle and it would be a pain to have to deal with sleazy realtors and pack up our stuff and get resettled. I really did not want to move till we purchased a house. But I don't know how much I can deal with this. Where's that cheese with my whine. And yes I meant it as a double ha ha. Or at least I tried to.

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Song Stuck In My Head: "Danger! High Voltage" by the Electric Six

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Some time ago I mentioned I would yet again try to grown some herbs on my kitchen window sill. Well the fourth try worked. I grew herbs from seed and the tomatoes from a plant(something that has not worked for me previously). I am so happy to be able to have fresh herbs at my reach and not as costly. I just snip as needed instead of running to the store, not using it all up and feeling guilty about it. Plus it was fun watching everything grow and tending to it. I felt a little like a farmer.

Oh how my urban garden grows!

Basil and cilantro
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One of six beefsteak tomatoes
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And yesterday I saw one of the tomatoes finally turn red. Yay!
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Below are pics of some home grown veggies that people kindly gave to us.

Hot Peppers from my coworker.
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Some lovely cucumbers from Niel's boss.
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Some more cucumbers and a variety of tomatoes Niel's boss also gave. I like the odd shape of the cukes.
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And for Madge Esther Ritchies's 47th birthday she rode a horse that did not like her.

Possibly a cure for HIV from the most interesting of places. I hope.

And why at Pamela Anderson's Comedy Central roast was Courtney Love introduced as Courtney Love Cobain. She was never called that previously even before Kurt's death. Blech.

Song Stuck In My Head:"Radio/Video" System of A Down

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

I got a really cool package of sweets in the mail from
Jenn. It's from Hawaii, where she just returned from. Thanks again Jenn! Everything was yummy and Niel and I devoured it all. My personal favorite, the coca cola gummies.

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I don't know what possessed me not to open the lovely yellow purse that Leslie sent me sometime ago for my birthday but I finally opened the bag to put my stuff in and inside I found a card, neat magnets, Hello Kitty Makeup and a cool nail file. Thanks Leslie!

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If you get a chance please go read my review of The Hitchhikers Guide. Thanks!

Song Stuck In My Head: "B.Y.O.B" from System of A Down

Monday, August 15, 2005

Another busy weekend. But the good kind of busy where you ask yourself happily "What's next?" Not the kind where you're afraid to lift your head because you'll get smacked by obligations.

Friday night we celebrated Mike the brother in laws birthday. It was fun. Niel bbq'd some burgers, steak and hot dogs. Niel so loves being near an open flame.

Saturday we picked up our wedding negatives from our photographers. Our wedding fit into a nice, tidy tin can. I can't believe it will almost be four years. Yet we still have fun. Niel noticed there was an bubble tea place that opened up across the street from the photo studio. His old neighborhood is becoming trendy, three spas and now a bubble tea place. All it needs is a book store. We ran into his mom and sat around drinking some Mango smoothies. Bubble Tea unfortunately gives me a tummy ache. Then we were off to the 15th Annual Hong Kong Boat race in Flushing Meadow Park. We watched competitions, walked around to the various booths, enjoyed some Beef Teriyaki, Knishes and Pigs in a Blanket, and found a breezy spot to soak it all in. Afterwards went grocery shopping at a newly opened chain a few minutes from my parents house. Jennifer told us about it last Sunday and we went to check it out. It is so big, clean and has a good variety. We ran into Jennifer, Renzo and their baby. It was pretty funny. Afterwards Niel and I went to my parents for a little bit. Later in the evening we saw March of the Penguins. It was so beautiful and sad at the same time. The perseverance of those penguins to survive is incredible. Lovely film. Then we came home and watched Lara Croft: The Cradle of Life. We didn't like it at all.

Sunday morning we went to to see Kelvin and Shawnda at Kelvin's aunt's house in Niel's old neighborhood. Kelvin and Shawnda were in NY for a wedding. Mike came by too. Kelvin's aunt made us some good Trinidarian food and we sat around and talked. It was good to see them again. After some errand running we went to try some Empanada's at a new place in Forest Hills Niel saw while we were walking around after March of The Penguins ended. The food was so so. Came back and watched Hitch while the mother of all rainstorms shook the apartment windows. The rain was needed though. We didn't like Hitch either. Pictures here of the weekend.

My office fridge is being replaced this week and I've had to purchase lunch. Blach. Not good for the finances. Manhattan lunches are pricey! Thank goodness it's only a week and I can go back to my brown bag lunches.

Song Stuck In My Head: "Everybody's Working For The Weekend" by Lover Boy

Friday, August 12, 2005

TGIF everyone. Wooooo hoooo! I just had a really good breakfast sandwhich. I brought it from Europa. It's a chain bistro in Manhattan. I ordered a ham and cheese croissant which they heat up in their toaster oven. Which I love. But it was a jalapeno cheese sauce with ham. Yummy!!! Sometimes surprises are good.

There is a new Hard Rock restaurant opening up in my office building. The WWE store used to be there before Hard Rock. And to kick off the grand opening Hard Rock is going to smash a whole load of guitars.

Shanny tagged me. I love these little questions and quizzes. Thanks Shannon!

“List ten songs that you are currently digging ... it doesn't matter what genre they are from, whether they have words, or even if they're no good, but they must be songs you're really enjoying right now. Post these instructions, the artists, and the ten songs in your blog. Then tag five other people to see what they're listening to."

"Die, Die, Die my Darling" redone by Metallica(originally by The Misfits)

"Bad, bad man" by John Cena

Steal This Album by System of A Down(I know I cheated it's an entire album.)

Fire by the Electric Six(Yeah yeah it's a whole album too)

"Somewhere Over the Rainbow" by Israel Kamakawiwo'ole(A nice redoing also)

"Speed of Sound" by Coldplay

"Clint Eastwood" by The Gorillaz

"Feel Good Inc" by The Gorillaz

"Only You" by Yaz(oldie but goodie)

"American Idiot" by Greenday

Hmmm I tag Lisanne, Jessica, Jess, Yvett, and Alexis.

Song Stuck In My Head: "Radio Ga Ga" by the Electric Six(redone)

Thursday, August 11, 2005

The newest addition to my kitchen egg collection. A metal eggy. That makes eight in my eggy collection. I have egg head, mashy, an egg frying pan, yolky, wedgy, timey and two whisky. I had no idea there were metal ones until I saw him staring back at me on a shelf at Marshalls. Even though he looks a bit more spooky then the original plastic white eggy, I still had to pick up the little guy. Oooh so shiny.

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Song Stuck In My Head: "Bounce" by System of A Down