Friday, September 14, 2007

One one of the episodes of Feasting On Asphalt, Alton visits a Russian Tea Room in St. Paul. A sign promising of Russian Hamburgers(Piroshki) lures him. Piroshki however is not a hamburger it is a savory pastry. A turn over. One large delicious moon shaped deep fried(I guess you can bake it though) dumpling.

The owners of the establishment make theirs a bit differently than my mother does. They covered a thick piece of meat with even thicker dough. Sort of like this picture.

My mom uses ground meat and a thin piece of dough with various spices. We enjoy it with a combo of sweet paprika and a plain yogurt drink. My mom also makes potato with onion, as well as cheese Piroshki. Of course the Russian Hamburger was just a gimmick to attract customers because what American doesn't love a burger. OK I guess their are a good deal of folks who may not. But I just wanted to clarify what a Piroshki actually is. Try it though Piroshki's are quite delicious.


Jesser said...

Ooh... piroshkies are very good. I made them for "international day" when I was in JR high and my family continued to make them for several years to come. I think the filling had hard boiled eggs and dill in it. I should see if my mom still has that recipe.

Abby said...

Those look and sound really good! It's so cool to see how many foods cross ethnicities, and each group puts its own spin on things. I love America.