A very cool Christmas present
Niel and I received is Memory Foam pillows. Niel actually pointed out we needed these and could be found inexpensively at where else, Target. And for the low price it is surprisingly comfortable. It not only helps with neck pain but also relieves some snoring as well. Yes we both snore. No I don't have stock in the company. We're thinking of buying the mattress pad ourselves next.

Song Stuck In My Head: "Rocket Queen" by Guns N Roses
Thank you. Hope you did as well.
That's a cool gift! When I go to bed really tired (which is mostly always) I end up snoring too. I should try those. What would we do without Target?
Hi! Thank you for that sweet ecard. Maybe I need that kind of pillow too. I've been told that I snore too :) Yeah right! hehehe
Hope you had a great Christmas!
Yes Yvett what would we do without Target? I hope it works for you!
And thank you for yours Jessica. I think most people snore. Hope your Christmas was good too!
Oh, it does help with snoring?! I'll have to buy one for Hank, aka Mr. Saws Wood in the Night
Ooh if that bad boy helps with snoring then I need to get to the store asap for my boy!
Good luck ladies!
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