Thursday, December 14, 2006

I've always been interested in Christmas villages. Miniature perfect towns celebrating Christmas. This year I started collecting a few pieces. Although I won't be showcasing them yet, I still need a few houses and businesses, I would like to show what I have so far.


Anonymous said...

Those Christmas villages are so addicting! We have a ton of houses. Unfortunately, we don't have any place to display them since we moved to DC, so they are all being stored in my inlaw's attic.

foodiechickie said...

They really are! I'll probably put them on our table once I collect more pieces Christina.

foodiechickie said...

It's all about the sales Jess.

Shannon said...

ohhhh way cute and cool... I love these in other peoples homes but I just never could see them in my place... I guess it is the dusting I would have to do lol... but I love the pieces you have... I can't wait to see it when you have it all set up!! :)

Anonymous said...

Very cute! I love it when people decorate their houses with little scenes, I'd do the same if we had room. :)

Ari (Baking and Books)

foodiechickie said...

Thanks Shannon. :)

Thanks Ari and welcome.