Friday, October 20, 2006

This clip has been making Niel and I laugh for weeks now. I am so glad its Friday. Have a good weekend everybody!


S said...

Oh my gosh! We love that. Sometimes at work we'll do that.

Mike said...


That seems like something Jim from the office would do to piss off Dwight :-)

foodiechickie said...

I just called Niel and did it to him Jessica. Heh heh.

Jim would probably be more clever about it though.

Anonymous said...

I love Family Guy! I don't think I've seen any episode that hasn't made me laugh. You know which character I LOVE? The doctor! I love how he does the schtick when talking. LEt me get a link for you. . . . .

foodiechickie said...

That was a funny scene! Stewie and Brian my favorite but I guess they are too obvious.