While perusing Slashfood.com I read that the Deen boys will have their own show on the Food Network called Good To Go. It will be a travel show about food. I thought they were pretty good on camera when they help out with their mom's show. Must take after her. Speaking of Paula Deen. Did you know she has her own magazine? I didn't till I clicked on her non Food Network site www.ladyandsons.com. She is one busy lady!

Another TV show I am excited to watch is with the ladies who starred in AbFab, will star in a new BBC comedy. Hee Hee! I loooved AbFab. Those drunken broads were hysterical. Did you know that Jennifer Saunders(Edina) is married to Adrian Edmundson(Vyvyn) from the Young Ones. Another BBC show. Did anyone watch the Young Ones? And Rik Mayal who also starred in the Young Ones was in a film with Pheobe Cates called Drop Dead Fred?/ Ok rambling must stop.

I have to rave about my recent Sopranos find. A just released entertaining book called Entertaining With The Sopranos. It is written by character Carmela Soprano played by Edie Falco. But when you open the book you see its of course actually penned by one of the shows writers and the recipes are from an professional chef. The recipes in there are fantastic. I was happily surprised. All the characters give advice on what makes for a good party. From toasts to how to pair wine with food to how much money you give as a gift. A neat find for fans of the show and good food.

Song Stuck In My Head: "Bad Day" by Daniel Powter
Craving: To get everything done
Sweetie Darling! Sweetie Darling! I love AbFab! I'll have to check out the BBCAmerica site!
Did you see the Paula episode where Mario Batali called to help her pronounce Spiedini? Funny!
I did see that episode Jessica. I agree it was really funny! Glad you enjoyed Abfab too:)
Oh I am glad you like Nigella. Hope you enjoy the show. I think you will enjoy her laid back style and recipes.
I love Paula Deen & her boys. I will have to check out the show & her magazine! Thanks for the info!
Glad to help MM
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