I got
Niel a Silicone oven kitchen glove. He had been admiring a pair when we were at a home store. So I secretly brought one for him. One day we were cooking some Kielbasa for dinner when he decided to test the glove out. Oh and another weird fact I collect too many paper napkins from restaurants. And apparently not being able to stop sharing weird facts about myself.

Sticking his Siliconed hand in the water

Picking up the Kielbasa

Song Stuck In My Head:"The Flame" by Cheap Trick
Craving: For the Nigella Lawson cooking show to air on Food TV
So the glove works well? I've been admiring those too.
On a side note, The Flame was my favorite song like in 6th grade. I used to hear it over and over. Hee. hee.
The glove is awesome!
I love the oldies. Now I depressed myself. LOL.
If you hadn't explained what he was doing in those pictures, I would have thought Niel was doing some erotic ventriloquist act ;-)
It kinda looks like a duck's beak :) Todd likes to grab a handfull of paper napkins from places to keep in his glove compartment;)
Your right Jessica-it does look like a duck's beak! I give the napkins to Niel for his bag, the car and my purse. Heh heh. I guess its more of a common thing to do afterall.
Much safer than the cloth ones.
I have one of those and i love it... they rock!
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