I was pretty proud of myself. I did well working from home. I didn't slack off and get distracted. I made my calls, checked emails and kept busy. It's good to know if I have to work from home someday(I hope), atleast a couple of days a week that I would be alright. But it sure does getting used to. For one the boss does call more and I have to be my own boss to make sure I get my stuff done. But I did get my work in by deadline. I turned on the TV a bit after five though to see if the strike was still on and it was amazing to see lines of people trying to get home by the Long Island Railroad and Metro North and all the folks stuck in traffic.
Niel was smart and brought round trip tickets for tomorrow. I guess we'll have to go in by Long Island Rail Road now that it is making all stops in Queens. He had a helacious commute last night. He came home five hours after leaving work. FIVE HOURS!!!! It's not like we live all the way upstate. We live an hour from Manhattan the most. When he finally got off the train his car died. My dad came to help and followed him home to make sure the car wouldn't die again. I hope we can get in ok today because we're going out to dinner for his birthday. It's amazing how important the train is but I am a little miffed that they had to strike in this cold. I guess that was part of the strategy. Oh scratch that about getting in ok. Our car died again this morning. I think the oil problem and the cold killed the engine. What a way to start Winter. Blech. Anyway on to better things.
I like to wish my wonderful husband Niel a very Happy Birthday. As a little girl, I would try to imagine what my future husband would be like. What was he like? Where did he live? And yes was he even born yet? Niel has surpassed everything I thought I could have. He is sweet, hard working, adventurous, funny, kind, smart and handsome. And oh can he make you laugh. Niel is perfect for me. He doesn't need to be surrounded by tons of folks or always talking. He counts only a few people as his true friends and around them he lights up. I feel so lucky to be part of his life and am sure happy he was born. I hope even with this ongoing strike that he sees himself how I see him and how most people do as just a great guy. I love you baby and I hope not only all your birthdays are wonderful (I hope you have many, many of them) but that everyday is wonderful. Because you deserve the world.

Song Stuck In My Head: "Today's Your Birthday" by The Beatles
Happy Birthday to Niel!
I probably wouldn't get any work done if I was to stay at home! :)
I worked from home for about a year and I loved it. I got a lot done but I missed the social interaction and adult conversation. Plus, wearing something other than "around the house" clothes.
Sorry about the strike. I hope that all ends soon. We drive everywhere here. If we had a strike, it wouldn't make a big difference.
Last but not least Happy Birthday to Neil! You guys seem perfect together!
Thank you Jessica. You may surprise yourself:)
Yes it was strange not having anyone to talk to. And I answered the door in my pj's for the UPS guy. I was so embarrassed. LOL. Thanks for the good wishes about the strik and Niel's birthday, Yvett:)
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