You brought up the other day how you can't believe it's been four years. And we reminisced about it. Sometimes it feels like our marriage and relationship is so new, and it in a lot of ways it still is. Other times we feel like we've been together longer because we can't really remember our lives before one anther. Sure we do our own things. It's healthy. But home is now with you. I love how you look in the pot or the oven to see what I am cooking, how you always have to straighten out the ironing board because I keep crashing it to the floor, how I trip over the cord of the XBOX, how I'll find my bathrobe on top of the radiator so it will be warm when I come out of the shower, how you are so curious about everything, how you like trying interesting cuisine, and finding off beat places(our Seattle trip was great cause of you), the way you chew your food, and take a drink, how your laugh is so happy and carefree when you find something really really funny and then I start laughing because you are such a funny site to look at, how you throw stuff in the back of the car, and follow me around stores, how we have funny words for things, how you come looking for me when I'm not in the room, the sounds you make in the toilet, how we find certain words funny and say them over and over again, how we'll just break out into a wacky song, how you try to stop me from dognapping the neighbor's neglected puppy German Shephard, how you just love me, for me. Thank you and Happy 4th Anniversary baby. You are my favorite present of all, but don't try wrapping yourself in a box and jumping out and yelling surprise. Cause "that's not cool". I love everything about you now and forever
Update: Niel got me the most thoughtful freaking gifts. I am sitting here crying.

Song Stuck In My Head: "I Walk The Line" by Johnny Cash
So sweet!!! Happy Anniversary!!! Ours is in 2 weeks. Have a great weekend!!!
Thank you MM. Happy early one to you:)
Happy anniversary!
I wish you both a Very Happy Anniversary!!!
Thank you Jess and Irah!!!
Happy Anniversary Ani and Niel!
Thanks very much Amanda, Tammy, and Jessica! I appreciate it:)
Aww... Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary you two!
Thank you Yvett and Alexis!
Thanks very much:)!
HAPPY FOUR-YEAR WEDDING ANNIVERSARY, ANI AND NIEL!!! :) I hope that you guys have an awesome day. You make a great couple. What did he get you??? And what did you get him? I wish you both all the best. Happy day! :)
Thank you so much Lisanne! All will be revealed on Monday. His gifts were way cooler than mine though.
Happy anniversary to you two crazy kids! :) Can't wait to read about the gifts!
Thanks Kim! Geesh you're up late!
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