I like finding new holiday candies. Such as the Halloween glow in the dark Star War decorated ones from Starburst. And the Fall decorated chocolates from Hershey's. I guess the Hershey's ones count for Thanksgiving? Nestle Toll house now offers chips shaped liked Santa for Christmas baking. They also have new chips with swirls. Here is a
link to all the decorative chips that Nestle offers.

Song Stuck In My Head: "Come Join Us" by Bad Religion
OMG...that is SO cute. I especially like the one's shaped like santa.
Thank you. I found them at TARGET!!!!!!! What did any of us do before that store? :)
Thanks! Those are cute. Thanksgiving does get the shaft, though, don't you think?
Yes it does. I only know one store that has holiday decorations. I wish more national stores did. Like finding Turkey shaped lights would be nice. And pumpkin shaped or flavored chocolates. Maybe if we all wrote a letter to all the chains writing to give us back Thanksgiving;)
No kidding. I doubt that would ever happen, though. Stores are too busy trying to get the Christmas shopping going. Now it's straight from Halloween to Christmas. I remember how we used to start shopping for Christmas the day after Thanksgiving. Now it's the day after Halloween.
You think they'll ever move Black Friday to the day after Halloween and just call it Shop at your Risk day?
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