1. What do plan to do for Thanksgiving? (Are you cooking? Staying at home? Going to visit family?)We are hosting it again this year.
2. What are some Thanksgiving traditions that you have?
Well mine are still new and usually are before the dinner when everyone comes over. It's actually seeing how much fun Niel has basting that bird.
3. What is your favorite thing about Thanksgiving?
That it has no expectations of gifts or candy. Everyone just eats and is thankful.
4. Do plan to start Christmas shopping after Thanksgiving or are you already finished? I already started.
5. Think about what you are blessed with and list them if you'd like.
Health, my wonderful husband, our wacky family, a roof over our heads, to live somewhat comfortably, and good friends.

Song Stuck In My Head: "Peanut Butter and Jelly"
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