Sunday, July 27, 2003

There are two Habanero's already blooming. The white flowers that first sprout are now gone and two tiny green hot peppers are in it's place. They are supposed to get bigger and eventually red. It is pretty neat to see that happening. The other herbs are doing well also. I am happy that the third attempt worked out well. My husband got them from the farmer's market on 14th street. Now I can get more without worrying they will die. It was definetly my overwatering that killed the last two sets of herbs.
I also picked up some frames. I am going to get some paint and start making the country frames and make a little site for them. I hope they sell. The mosaic pots will take a little longer to get going. Fundage, Fundage, Fundage.
Yesterday the hubby and I went to Tanger Outlet in Riverhead, NY. It is the last exit on the LIE. It was a long trip. They had a ton of stores but a lame food court. We picked up a few things. Unfortunetly I couldn't find a skirt I wanted and curtains. Alas it was not meant to be.
My husband just said he was going to go into the living room. After he said that I started thinking to myself. What funny two words. Living room. I find language very interesting and how we make up names for objects. Living room a room for the living. Then why not a dying room? Morbid yes, but my point is living room should be called a different name and so should bedroom. It's not just a place where the bed is and the other furniture for storage. It is a sleeping room, a TV watching room and so on.

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