Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Although I like miniature foods, I've never really been a fan of brussel sprouts. Though I do like veggies, so I tried a few different recipes for them. But brussel sprouts have not grown on me. I do find it interesting that they grow on sticks. Did you know they were cultivated in Brussels, thus being named brussel sprouts and are part of the wild cabbage family. I always did think they resembled tiny cabbages. Tiny, gross cabbages. Heh heh.

Also today is the 143 birthday of Edward Munch. One of Niel and my favorite painters.


Mike said...

I like Munch paintings too. He was one troubled individual. In honor of his birthday, Im gonna go out and steal some of his paintings ;-). Isn't that what fans of his do.

foodiechickie said...

The exhibit Niel and I went to a few months ago was pretty interesting.

Mike said...

Where was the exibit? Were they original paintings that Munch did?

foodiechickie said...

It was at the MOMA. I believe they were.

foodiechickie said...

I like that "nasty little cabbages they will always be." :)

Carol @ Pure Sugar said...

You might consider this recipe for brussel sprouts: brown a decent-sized pat of butter in a pan; meanwhile, pull all of the leaves off a few brussel sprouts. Once the butter starts to brown, throw the leaves in and saute for about 5 minutes. Serve immediately. They're really good this way. I would never try them before until my friend shared this recipe. My one year old loved them too.

foodiechickie said...

Thanks Carol and welcome.

Shannon said...

amen... and they smell too lol...

foodiechickie said...

Yes stinky indeed:)