Tuesday, November 07, 2006

You think I would have learned to be more careful when purchasing something after my water fiasco(August 29 2005 post) but I haven't. Every couple of months I purchase new toothbrushes for Niel and me. And even sooner if one of us gets sick. So I was at the drugstore recently and I brought two. I go home and put them in the toothbrush holder and used mine. All without noticing(until Niel brought it up) that the toothbrushes have names on them. My purple toothbrush is called Rob and Niel's blue one is called Jenny. We laughed at my silliness and the fact that toothbrushes are given names but were impressed at the names being matched with colors they normally wouldn't be.


Mike said...

hehe thats funny. You should get a label maker and start naming everything around your place. This is Bob, he's our toaster.

Anonymous said...

LOL! That is too funny! Yeah, I'd go around naming everything too!

foodiechickie said...

Yeah Mike, we've begun to call each other Rob and Jenny. Plus Meg(tshlhsh) from Family Guy. It's getting confusing with all the names.
You know I sort of already do try to come up with names for inatimate objects. LOL.

We're wacky like that Yvett.

S said...

That's too funny!

foodiechickie said...


Shannon said...

OMG I am laughing on the inside... just put Lore down for a nap so I can't laugh out loud heheheh...

foodiechickie said...

Glad it was a funny post:)

Anonymous said...

Gosh, now *my* toothbrush is demanding a name ...

foodiechickie said...

Heh heh.