Thursday, October 12, 2006

Sometimes if the day hasn't beaten us down so much Niel and I like to stay in the city after work and have a nice dinner out. Usually those dinners can very from a quick bite to a nice place. Sometimes we have a place in mind other times we get lucky. This time we were walking around and found a place that sold cheese steaks. We sat, enjoyed our meals, talked and occasionally looked up at the large screen TV showing one of the baseball games. It was a really nice evening.


foodiechickie said...

Yes I agree Jess eating is one of the neat things of traveling.

I have heard about Max Brenner. There are few places I have a list of to visit. I may have to visit them one day. Heh heh.

Adelaide said...

I looooooooove those Limonatas!!! The orange one is my fave!

S said...

I love to eat at new places! Look at that gooey cheese!

foodiechickie said...

Oh I'm glad the orange one is better tasting. The lemon lime didn't do anything for me Adelaide

It is fun Jessica! :)