Wednesday, August 09, 2006

I love it when a new market opens up. Two new ones opened up near me. One market is literally down the block from me. The regular sort of markety things can be found there. Fruit, eggs, herbs, milk, bread. I can quickly run down the block if I need anything. The other market is a Korean market and its between my apartment and my inlaws. (The Korean market is however much closer than the large Asian market). Anyway I found a Korean Melon there. The texture is sort of pear like but the meat is definitely melon. Sort of like honeydew. It was neat to try a different fruit and have access to it.


S said...

Sounds good. My parents grow cantaloupe in their garden and its really good.

foodiechickie said...

That is neat!

Hannah said...

We tasted one of those in Korea! They are good, aren't they? It's so much fun to try new things! :-)

foodiechickie said...

That is so cool Jess!

It really is Hannah.