Then the other day Niel and I made our usual Target run when I found similar sneakers and I snapped them up on sale for $11.00. They were originally $17.00. Mine are brown but with light blue stripes. They also come in brown with tan stripes, brown with pink stripes and black with silver stripes.
I don't believe if something is name brand that it is necessarily good and I am cheap. But I prefer the term selective shopper:) Have a good weekend everybody.
Song Stuck In My Head: "You Got Another Thing Coming" by Judas Priest
Craving: Australian grub
I own the brown ones with the pink stripes. I love how they look and the fact that they were really cheap! Selective shopper, I love that!
Ahh another selective shopper;)
Thanks Amanda:)
Not not as bad but a little too rich for my blood still.
I salute you for you!
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