Sometimes I do feel like we're married to people from different religions because we follow different calendars and have different traditions. Even though obviously we're not. It's strange. Here is a link that explains pretty well the differences between the two. It is really only date wise. April 24 is also the 89th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. Usually there is an event in Times Square with politicians, some survivors of the genocide. Pretty much an informative event.
I don't know who was the genius that was in charge of putting this event together because many Armenians celebrate Easter today and will not attend. As well as the fact it is raining and bitterly cold. In fact the entire weekend it has been horrible weather wise. Today I will be indoors folding massive amounts of laundry, cursing the weather and trying to fix the stupid kitchen sink which is preventing me from doing dishes regularly. I hate hate to miss the event. This is the second year in a row I have missed it. Last year I missed it because we went to Niel's grandfather's birthday. It is sad to think it was the last birthday we would ever go to of his. So I am glad Niel and I went. But it still bothered me not to attend the Armenian Genocide commemorative that happens in Times Square every year. And this year because of this crappy weather we won't be going.
A few more weird things about me I only eat peanut butter and jelly with grape jelly and I only eat my mother's version of French Toast with strawberry jelly. And I only like strawberry jam if I have butter and scones. I also love oranges but not orange juice.

Happy Easter :-)
Oh, your profile picture cracked me up. My daughter got that same Strawberry Shortcake on the Skateboard in her Happy Meal. I thought it was incredibly cute too. She has 2 of that Orange Blossom chick that comes as a lip gloss. ;)
Thank you Adelaide. I love Strawberry Short cake since I was a little Ani. I am glad she is popular again. My husband got her for me.
I always founds the orthodox way a bit odd. I mean we're celebrating the birth and resurection of Jesus, why can't everyone just be on the same page. Plus Im sure it's pisses off Santa and the Easter Bunny ;-).
I think I'm gonna start celebrating every holiday a week later. I wont celebrate Cinco de Mayo till May 12th. On July 11th, I'm gonna have a big cookout and light off fireworks. On November 6th, I;m gonna get dressed in a costume and ring peoples doorbells and demand they give me candy. And of course at the stroke of midnight on January 7th, I'm gonna go crazy, pop the cork on a bottle of bubbly and tune in to watch the ball drop.
I always found that a bit odd about celebrating a week later. I would think since we are celebrating the birth and resurection of Jesus, that everyone could put aside their petty differences and celebrate as one. I've always looked at it as sort of a big F-You to rest of the Christians. I don't like non conformity. To me it comes off as being a bit arrogant. I could understand celebrating it in the east that way, but here in the west it just seems silly. I think Owen Wilson said it best in Shanghai Noon. "You're in the west now, the sun may rise where you comes from, but it sets here in the west". ;) Plus it's gotta piss off the Easter bunny and Santa ;-).
I think Im gonna celebrate every holiday a week later from now on. I'm not getting out the Corona to celebrate Cinco de Mayo till May 12th! And I'm gonna have one hell of a fireworks display on July 11th! Booyah! And I'm sure I'll surprise a few people when a grown man rings their doorbell on November 6th and asks for some candy. And I can hardly wait to pop the cork off a bottle of champagne on January 7th as we watch the ball drop in Times Square.
I don't think its people being petty. They follow a different calender and different traditions and its more than a week depending on the calender of course. And for my culture and sector of relgion it is important to follow and for my future children to know about both of their parents heritage.
Sorry it was cold and rainy for you yesterday! I would have shared the sunshine if I had known! ;)
As Ron Burgundy so eloquently said, we'll have to agree to disagree on this one :-)
I sure could have used some VC but we managed to get things done:)
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