I recently joined the
Candy Swappers. It is a candy lovers group put together by Mariko of
Super Eggplant. Candy Swappers teams people from around the country and world to exchange candy with one another. It is a neat opportunity to try candy from different regions(the theme for the first one) and countries as well as find some cool new blogs. People who want to join fill out a questionnaire about what candies they like, do not like and are allergic to. There has only been one swap so far. Members can post recipes on Yahoo and photos on Yahoo or
Flickr. Members also do not have to participate in each one.

Song Stuck In My Head: "You're beautiful" by James Blunt
Craving: For the postman to hurry up with my Candy Swappers treats.
A woman Rachel used to work with moved to Germany, and she sent us German candy and cookies for Christmas. It was pretty cool. Havent had that kind of stuff since I was a kid.
That is so nice of her! And a piece of both your heritage.
Yum! Candy! I went on a mini candy binge at Target the other day. Todd thought I was nuts getting so much stuff ;)
You joined?
sounds like fun!!
No, I was just craving chocolate :)!
Ooooh LOL!
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