Tuesday, April 12, 2005

I was very impressed with the variety of food Albany had to offer. Living in New York city for the majority of my life and being accustomed to international fare at my fingertips I wasn't expecting much. And I was pleasantly wrong about the great eating establishments Albany had. The Vietnamese restaurant My Linh stood out the most in my mind. The decoration was soft and reflected nature. The food was light and flavorful. The interesting part was the dessert menu also had American sweets as well as Vietnamese. Dave and Holly were more adventurous in their dessert choice than Niel and I. We just ordered Molten Lava Cake and Flan. Thanks for the pics Dave. Click on pics to enlarge.

Song Stuck In My Head: "Bigger Than My Body" John Meyer


Lisanne said...

You sure got to see a lot of Albany! Jeff and I have a brick with our names on it on the Hudson River walkway! Glad you enjoyed our fine city! :) Loved the photos!

foodiechickie said...

That is so cool. We were looking at the bricks when we were on the walkway. Next time we are there I will try to find yours.