Besides being a great husband, son, sibling, friend and employee Niel also volunteers his time once a week (and sometimes three times in the same week every month) nine months out of the year as long as I have known him to a local Boy Scout troop (8 years people), and he also works hard and late hours at work. I am also very happy to see Niel has decided to try to get published again and has succeeded. I know whatever he sets his mind to he can accomplish. I know that career wise and personal goal wise his twenties were a trying time but he managed to turn it around.
I feel so very blessed to be a part of his life and to be able to just say all these mushy things about him. I love you Niel and I hope that you have a wonderful birthday and you have many, many, more wonderful birthdays. I know that your 30’s and all your future birthdays will be something to look forward to.

Here are some pics from Saturday. Thanks Dave.
I can't belive you did all this without me finding out. Thank you Ani!
Actually Niel, you were included in all her planning, you dont remember?
hmmm, well Happy Birthday!
Niel you are soooooo very welcome!!! I love you!!!
Shut up Maria or I should say Brutus!
Dave next time we see you and Kelvin you will sign the big card!! Then Niel and I will get it framed:)
Happy happy birthday, Niel! Welcome to your thirties... they're not so bad. Ok, who am I kidding? I would kill to be twenty-one again!
Hope you have a special day!
Thank you Alexis:)
a belated happy birthday to niel! :)
oops that was from me
Thank you!
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