Sunday, July 18, 2004

Today is my one year bloggaversary.  I have found that keeping this blog has helped immensely in my writing and also is a good account of all that I have to be grateful for: Health, a roof over my head, time with my husband, people we care for, the smell of air, enjoying a good meal, a refreshing drink of water, finding a flower I never knew existed before, meeting a new neighborhood dog, or cat.  My blog reminds me not to take things for granted. It is a place for me to be me.  An account of what I have done, seen, and hope to do.  A place where I can rant and plan freely.  A haven to escape to and hopefully an online community where I have learned from others.  And hopefully share a bit of what I have to offer. It is a memory chest where I can go back and remember fondly a particular moment in time.  It is  a place where I learn about myself.  


Kimberly @ said...

Happy Bloggaversary!

foodiechickie said...

Thank you!

foodiechickie said...

Thank you and the same to you:)

foodiechickie said...

Thank you very much!

foodiechickie said...

Thank you! Happy almost to yours as well. I have no idea what I did before blogging:)